You ever type a word and it not look right? That is what I just did with the word "nugget." Just looks funny to me. It probably is misspelled, but anyways...
So I watched SiCKO again last night, and though it makes me madder and madder about our current system with each viewing, I also found a few more holes...
First off, the clinics and hospitals Moore visited in other countries were always in major cities. It would be interesting to see if the same quality care was available in the country towns like Sanford...
Secondy, the reason countries like Canada, the UK and France can afford to have such a sophisticated system is that for the last 60 or so years, they have not had to have a strong military. We have one. They are our friends.
I think Moore's broader point still stands, though I don't think a nationalized health care system would work here. People get mad when you try to raise taxes for the slightest thing...
Instead, how about a nationalized insurance system. Let doctor's and pharmaceutical companies charge what they want, but the government will pay for it...At least that way there would be an incentive for doctors to work hard and drug companies to innovate.
Another nugget - I went to the new Wal-Mart last night to beat the holiday rush with a little shopping, and was disappointed to learn that there are no self checkout aisles. What's up with that? Ain't that the wave of the future?
Friday, November 23, 2007
More on SiCKO, Wal-Mart, etc.
Posted by
Jonathan Owens
11/23/2007 11:50:00 AM
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